Using Jekyll Collections allows for rich site structures without needing to hack about with categories and tags, but it does mean re-building a few aspects of what would have been default functionality if you just had plain old posts and pages.

That said, it is easy to do so:

  • create a new collection layout to list all the posts in the collection
  • create a new collection-specific RSS include file
  • create a new all-collections RSS include file
  • modify the header nav to list all the collections
  • modify the home index page to list collections

The main gotchas (well, annoyances, really) are:

  • normal, unaffiliated posts are, it turns out, in a collection called ‘posts’, so bear that in mind when you try and list all collections
  • annoyingly, Jekyll seems to ignore the order you specify the categories in the config file, defaulting to alphabetical, so something like the sequence trick (and see below) is needed to impose your choice of ordering.
  • when you are in a page or a post which is in a collection (i.e. is in the collection folder), the Jekyll page object has a collection attribute, page.collection. This refers to the name of the collection, aka the label, rather than the details of the collection.

Define the collections in _config.yml, e.g.

    output: true
    title: The Grey Parrot Stories
    title_singular: A Grey Parrot Story
    description: a collection of stories about the (too) clever grey parrot
    sequence: 2
    background_image_url: /assets/P1070812-H800.JPG
    output: true
    title: Jekyll Notes
    title_singular: A Jekyll Note
    description: a collection of notes and observations from and aide-memoires for using Jekyll for the first time.
    sequence: 100
    background_image_url: /assets/img/jekyll-notes/JekyllAndHydeWikipedia.jpg

Create a new layout, in _layouts/collection.html, for the index page of a collection. Simply clone the page.html that is already there (from the default minima theme, as specified in _config.yml, located by running bundle show minima on the command line) and add a section to link to the collection-specific RSS feed if there are any posts in that collection.

layout: default
<article class="post">

  <header class="post-header">
    <h1 class="post-title">{{ page.title | escape }}</h1>

  <div class="post-content">
    {{ content }}


{% assign collection_name = page.collection %}
{% assign collection = site.collections | where:"label", collection_name | first %}
{% assign posts = site[collection_name] | where:"layout", "post" %}
{% if posts.size > 0 %}
<h3>The collection also available</h3>

...<a href="feed.xml" class="rss-subscribe">via RSS</a>
{% endif %}

It is left up to the collection’s index page whether or not to list all the posts, e.g. here’s an example _jekyll_notes/

layout: collection
title: Jeykll Notes
categories: []
permalink: /:collection/index.html
{% assign collection = site.collections | where:"label", page.collection | first %}
{{ collection.description }}

# Posts
{% assign sorted = | where:"layout", "post" | sort: 'date' %}
{% for item in sorted %}
* [{{ item.title }}]({{ item.url }})
> {{ item.excerpt }}
{% endfor %}

You can create a site-wide nav of all the collections and top-level pages, by amending the _includes/header.html file to list the collections (sorted by their sequence attribute - which is why this was specified in the _config.yml) and then any top-level pages (i.e. their layout is ‘page’). In this case, the top level file is of type ‘home’ so is not included.

<div class="trigger">
  {% assign collections = site.collections | sort: 'sequence' %}
  {% for collection in collections %}
    {% if collection.title %}
    <a class="page-link" href="{{ collection.label | relative_url }}">{{ collection.title | escape }}</a>
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

  {% for my_page in site.pages %}
    {% if my_page.title and my_page.layout == 'page' %}
    <a class="page-link" href="{{ my_page.url | relative_url }}">{{ my_page.title | escape }}</a>
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

Because I have quite a few collections, the default behaviour to list all of them in the header was looking messy, so the _sass/minima/_layout.scss file was tweaked to always display the nav via the ‘hamburger’ view by commenting out the media query that only triggered the hamburger view for small screens:

// @include media-query($on-palm) {