A brief experiment with how to add a simple view within a scrolling Jekyll collection post onto a fixed image ‘behind’ it. NB, nothing particular to do with collections, will work in a standard post.

The key phrases are:

  • CSS background-attachment
    • which won’t work on mobile browsers
  • parallax scrolling
  • hard to include markdown code rendered within markdown without creating a plugin/gem to do it (ugh)
  • Attribute List Definitions
    • or, modifying the css properties of an html element within markdown (in this case, a <p> tag)

Create a file, _includes/porthole.html

  .porthole {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100px;
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    position: relative;
    background-size: cover;
    background-image: url({{ site.default_background_image_url }});
    {% assign background_image_url = site.default_background_image_url %}
    {% if page.collection %}
      {% assign collection = site.collections | where:"label", page.collection | first %}
      {% if collection.background_image_url %}
        {% assign background_image_url = collection.background_image_url %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if page.background_image_url %}
      {% assign background_image_url = page.background_image_url %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if background_image_url %}
      background-image: url({{ background_image_url }});
    {% endif %}

and include it in _includes/default.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ page.lang | default: site.lang | default: "en" }}">

{% include head.html %}
{% include porthole.html %}


add a background_image_url to your collection spec in _config.yml referencing an image in your /assets folder, e.g.

  output: true
  title: Jekyll Notes
  title_singular: A Jekyll Note
  description: a collection of notes and observations from and aide-memoires for using Jekyll for the first time.
  sequence: 100
  background_image_url: /assets/img/jekyll-notes/JekyllAndHydeWikipedia.jpg

or specify something like site.default_background_image_url or even site.flumpf in _config.yml, or include background_image_url: /assets/....jpg in the front matter of an individual post, as long as you refer to it correctly in the porthole.html file.

Then, include the porthole as <p/>{: .porthole} in any posts (markdown or html) as often as you like, e.g.

The key phrases are:
* CSS background-attachment
   * which won't work on mobile browsers
* parallax scrolling
* hard to include markdown code rendered within markdown without creating a plugin/gem (ugh)
* [Attribute List Definitions](https://kramdown.gettalong.org/syntax.html#attribute-list-definitions)
   * or, modifying the css properties of an html element within markdown (in this case, a <p> tag)

<p/>{: .porthole}

Create a file, `_includes/porthole.html`

You can adjust the size of the porthole by changing the default css width and height in _includes/porthole.html, or on a case by case basis by overriding the css style,

e.g. <p/>{:.porthole style="width:50%;height:200px;"}

With thanks to Wikipedia for the demo image.